April 2024: The Crucial Month
The B’nai Issachar in his discourse on Chodesh Nissan teaches us:
"The nations most affected by the Sign of Aries are Israel and the Arab countries. In fact, Aries, being the first born, so to speak, of the astrological constellations, was the sign of the ancient Egyptians, the most powerful nation of that time. At the height of their constellation’s influence, at the 15th day of the lunar month, when Egypt was deriving the most power from its ruling star, the Jewish People were delivered from them. This expresses the fact that all of nature is under Divine Rule."
April 2024 is a CRUCIAL month for Israel.
The Solar Eclipse on Monday April 8 is at 19/20 degrees Aries, conjunct the DC/7th House Cusp of the Modern State of Israel, and opposite her AC/Ascendant.
The epochal conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus on Shabbat HaGadol is at 21/22 degrees Taurus, conjunct with the natal Sun in Israel's chart, at the cusp of her 8th House: Things she shares with others: values, valuables, resources, intimacies, and because it's in Taurus, LAND.
Natal Chart of the Modern State of Israel for April 20, 2024: The Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction
Jupiter enlarges whatever he touches, and Uranus disrupts whatever he touches. Very Big and possibly Very Shocking, abrupt developments for Israel regarding the Land she shares, on one hand, and the values she shares on the other.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction to Israel's Sun also opposes her natal Chiron in Scorpio at the cusp of her 2nd House. Chiron is the "Wounded Healer", and often represents vulnerabilities in a natal chart. The picture here is of Israel's (understandably) Scorpionic, life-and-death grip on what "belongs" to her - in this case, her Land and her identity as the only place on Earth where the Jewish people are "safe", in a Scorpionic way - that is to say, willing to kill anyone or anything that threatens Jewish lives.
Ancestral memory and epigenetic trauma combine to trigger that response. And speaking of the Holocaust: although Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction every 14 years, they haven’t met up in Taurus since 1941. The vibe feels similarly threatening now, as far as the planetary symbolism goes.
These two April events - the Solar Eclipse and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction - reflect profound possibilities for radical change. Not everyone is going to love it.
As "everybody knows" - Israel, the Claal eternal & everlasting, represented by the Choshen Mishpat on the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol, is "above the stars". The Modern State of Israel - not so much!
To quote myself from my column on Chodesh Adar Bet regarding the Shushan Purim Lunar Eclipse and the Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan Solar Eclipse in the charts of the USA & Israel:
Natal Chart for the Modern State of Israel with Transits for April 8, 2024: The Total Solar Eclipse
Natal Chart of USA with Transits for April 8, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Aries
"A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (Sun in Aries, Full Moon in Libra) on Shushan Purim makes a hard square to the modern State of Israel's natal Venus/Noga, as well as to her natal Parts of Fortune in Capricorn. In the USA's natal chart, the eclipse point is a hard square to America's natal Jupiter/Tzedek in Cancer. This may indicate a political issue with America's financial aid to Israel....Double Adar season climaxes April 8, Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, at the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Aries… In the Modern State of Israel’s natal chart, this occurs at her DC/7th House Cusp – the place of partners, and relationships to “others”. In the USA’s natal chart, it’s conjunct Chiron and opposite Saturn. Will there be a rupture in the Israel/US relationship? Or, when the light re-emerges, will both partners see themselves and each other in a new way? “Without a vision, the people perish”. Let’s hope and pray for a new vision for all of us."
Natal Chart for the Islamic Republic of Iran, with Transits for April 8’s Solar Eclipse in Aries