Meet “Astrolojew” Lorelai Kude
Lorelai Kude, Astrologer
Lorelai Kude holds a BA in Journalism with a Minor in Religious Studies from San Francisco State University. She received her MA in Jewish Studies from Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union.
Her thesis “Yesh Mazal l’Yisrael: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History and Identity” explores the rabbinic enterprise’s institutionalization of astrology, despite the legal prohibition against its use in divination.
A professional practicing astrologer for over 30 years and a teacher/ mentor of private astrology students, she writes “Astrolojew”, an internationally syndicated Jewish horoscope column. Visit the MEDIA PAGE for interviews, videos, etc.
Look for her upcoming book, “Astrolojew: The Big Book of Jewish Astrology” in 2025.