Upcoming & Current Classes and Learning Opportunities
Beginning Astrology the Astrolojew Way
A 12 part immersion into the basics of the Jewish zodiacal archetypes, the 12 months, 12 Tribes, 12 Houses and the foundational symbolism of the planetary system.
Learn all about the 12 Hebrew months, the 12 Mazalot, the Planetary Rulers, Tribal Rulers, Basics of the Natal Chart, Quadrants/Aspects/Angles, the 12 Houses, The Moon, Eclipses in Jewish Astrological Thought, Saturn and the Jews - and so much more!
All sessions are recorded for enrolled students! No worries if you miss a session!
$360 USD
Ask about payment plans if needed
Jewish Magical Thinking from an Astrological Perspective
Join Lorelai Kude for a special presentation on Jewish Magical Thinking from an Astrological Perspective at the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, on "Leap Day" 2024.
Our New Year of 5785: What's Next?
Join Lorelai Kude on Monday November 4, 2024 at 12 Noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern, and 10pm Israel time, for an astrological overview of the New Jewish Year of 5789, the "Hei" Year of the "Pei" Decade. What's next and what are the celestial configurations reflecting about our current human condition?
Link to request registration and payment info below