(February 28 - March 29, 2025)
The Month of Adar has 2 days of Rosh Chodesh this year, the second day falling out on Shabbat.
Rosh Chodesh Adar Day 1 begins at sundown on February 27. The New Moon in Pisces is at 9 degrees.
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Adar is Shabbat Shekalim and Parshat Terumah – a Torah trifecta! The Moon and Venus are close together for the next two evenings.
Sunday March 2nd, Venus stations Retrograde at 10 degrees Aries, sextile to the New Moon point. Venus is on her way "backwards" from Aries into Pisces. She'll reach 24 degrees Pisces by April 12 (Passover), then station Direct and make her way back to her original Retrograde point by May 10, Shabbos Acherei-Kodeshim.
But that's not all! On March 2nd, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, and the Pisces Sun squares Jupiter in Gemini. Everything points to the message of the Mutable Water Sign, which is: Go With The Flow!
Mercury, the planet of communication, gets busy as he prepares to go fast and then go slow. Mercury enters Aries March 3 and sextiles Pluto in Aquarius on March 5. Powerful words can wound or heal!
The First Quarter Moon in Gemini, square to the Pisces Sun, comes on March 6. This is where the fish get extra slippery! Best to get any agreements in writing, as vague promises lead to disappointing results.
The Pisces Sun trines Mars in Cancer on Shabbos Zachor, Parshat Tetzaveh. Remembering the lessons of those we have loved and lost matters more this year than ever before. The ancestors are speaking: are you listening?
Purim "Season" begins with Mercury conjuncts Venus March 11, and the Sun conjuncts Saturn March 12. The Moon in Virgo on Tzom Esther (the Fast of Esther) March 13 empowers us to get serious about what we're about to experience: a Full Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse on Purim at 23 degrees Virgo, with the Pisces Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus. Shocking surprises and Divine Revelations are in store!
Mercury stations Retrograde on Shabbos Ki Tisa (Shushan Purim), and will "go back" into Pisces until he stations Direct on April 7. He won't reach his original Retrograde point again until April 26, Shabbos Shemini.
The Sun conjuncts Neptune on 19 March, and enters Aries on the Spring Equinox / Tekufah Nissan, March 20.
The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn comes on Shabbat Parah, Parshat Vayakihel. There's a feeling that the mess which needs cleaning up is finally do-able, with a lot of applied energy. The Sun supplies this boost when he conjuncts Retrograde Venus and sextiles Pluto on March 23, and conjuncts Mercury Retrograde on March 24. Unless teshuva is sincere, the conjunction of Mercury Retrograde's conjunction to Pluto and the square of Mars in Cancer to Chiron in Aries March 24-25, there will be clearly visible consequences.
There's a New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries on Shabbat HaChodesh, Parshat Pekudei, just preceding Rosh Chodesh Nissan on March 30. The Sun hides his light: how to find the way? If you've learned the lesson of Chodesh Adar this year, you'll go with the flow, even when you don't know where the flow is going. Why? Because you can trust the One Who directs the waters.
"The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water:
He directs it wherever He will"
(Proverbs 21:1)