Chodesh Tevet 5783: People, Get Ready!

Our sages understood the cycles of the two great planets Jupiter/Tzedek, ruler of Kislev, and Saturn/Shabbtai, ruler of Tevet, to symbolically represent a particular age or epoch. In 2023, we will see many planetary aspects which trigger the Jupiter/Saturn “Great Conjunction” point of December 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius. As Chanukah bridges Kislev and Tevet, these planetary triggers bridge the gap between what’s passing away and what is being born. As Chanukah’s historical/political backstory is rewritten by rabbinic Judaism’s reframing of the events in miraculous terms, in years to come shall we see the nitty gritty of our current historical/political struggle remembered as an age of Divine intervention?

Retrograde Mercury/Kochav in Capricorn from December 29 through January 18 wants us to think soberly and pragmatically about our choices. Because the Tikkun of Chodesh Tevet is anger, this month we “fix” that attribute by aligning what’s real with what’s ideal. The gap in between is what causes the pain! Venus/Noga enters Aquarius January 2, the first of 2023’s zero-degree Aquarius trigger points, recalling long-held ideals which may have been sacrificed over the last few years for the sake of practical expediency, if not actual survival. Solution? Release grief at the Full Moon in Cancer January 6. Lighen up with lunacy and healing laughter. 

Relief from confusion over competing priorities subsides when retrograde Mars/Ma’adim in Gemini stations direct January 12. If you have managed to speak truth to power, power has something to say to you when the Sun conjuncts Pluto January 18.

The Sun enters Aquarius January 20, followed by the New Moon in Aquarius January 21. Uranus/Oron stations direct January 22, and Venus conjuncts Saturn. O brave new world, are you ready for a unique, original, and entirely revolutionary approach to the future? People, get ready, there’s a change a-comin’.



Chodesh Shevat 5783: Oil & Water
