Jupiter in Taurus: Slow Down & Smell The Money

The planet Jupiter/Tzedek enters Taurus May 16, 2023, where he will be until May of 2024.

Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus/Noga. Jupiter in Taurus is all about Fixed Earth Venus-y things including beauty, pleasure, leisure, money, values and valuable things one calls one's own, especially real estate and personal finances.

On a mundane level, the value of currency and real estate may slow down (Taurus is slow!) but when Mars transits Fixed Fire Leo from May 21 – July 9, squaring Jupiter, the value of gold (Leo) may display dramatic fluctuations. It is interesting to note that the last and only time the USA's credit rating was lowered was when Jupiter was in Taurus during 2011.

Jupiter will form the apex of the Fixed T-Square when Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius on Shabbos Parshat BaMidbar. Fixed Signs are stubborn, and Taurus is the stubbornest of all. Mars in Leo is dominant, assertive individuality, opposite Pluto in Aquarius which pretends not to want to control anything but actually wants to control everything and everyone "for their own good" and "for the good of all". Jupiter, which enlarges and giganticizes everything, in a hard square to both Mars and Pluto, is less likely to compromise and more likely to dig his heels into the dirt and plant himself like an immovable object against an irresistible force.

Astrology is a language of symbols and archetypes. In Jewish Astrology, Taurus is the sign associated with the Tribe of Issachar and his special gift of spiritual discernment around the meaning of time itself. For the spiritually discerning, the transit of Jupiter through Taurus over the next year will be a lesson in the value of time. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time. Use yours wisely.

(Pictured: Jupiter, from Etim le-Tova and Perush Maspik al Shevah Kochavei Lechet, Moshe ben Ya'akov Avraham Fraenkel (scribe), Witzenhausen, 1789)


Sivan 5783: Meshane Makom, Meshane Mazal (“Change Your Place, Change Your Luck”)
