Horoscope for

Chodesh Elul 5784

The Jewish Year of 5784 is almost over! What have we learned?

Chodesh Tishrei taught us hard lessons about our communal vulnerability and the importance of unity in the community.

…During Cheshvan we learned that the ancestral superpower of Reuven’s Tribe is loyalty.

During Kislev we learn that the light of Cancer shines healing empathy upon all it touches.

Cancer’s Tikkun for Tevet’s anger is Yirat Shamayim, holy Awe.

Chodesh Shevat’s spiritual nourishment feeds your sight.

Chodesh Adar Aleph returns joy to your spiritual practice.

Though you’ve invested heavily in emotional security, there’s always a degree of doubt. This year Chodesh Adar Bet renews your faith in Divine protection.

Chodesh Nissan’s tikkun of speech serves you in the realm of your career and vocation.

Chodesh Iyar’s healing power is activated through your collective and community affiliations. 

Chodesh Sivan’s tikkun of travel isn’t simply a metaphor, it’s medicine.

Chodesh Tammuz’s tikkun of sight helps you to see yourself as others see you.

Chodesh Av’s tikkun of hearing opens the ears of your heart.

Chodesh Elul’s tikkun of purposeful action directed by discerning thought focuses on communication.

Don’t expect everyone to read your mind! Mars/Ma’adim enters Cancer September 4; fight for what is yours.

Aim that arrow of truth at the heart of the matter on the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius September 11.

The Full “Super” Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 17 confirms what you’ve always sensed about romantic love. The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer September 24, with Mercury/Kochav trine Uranus/Oron reveals unexpected information. 

A new family lifecycle begins at the New Moon / Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2.

CHODESH ELUL 5784 (September 3 – October 2, 2024)


Chodesh Elul is a bridge between the old year and the new. Formed by the Hebrew letter Yod ( י ), the first letter of the Divine Name, the shape of the Yod implies action, the Tikkun of Chodesh Elul.

Mercury/Kochav, the planetary ruler of Elul, is associated with the Mazal of Virgo and the intellect. Virgo scrutinizes, analyzes, and separates the useful from the useless. This is Binah: the wisdom of applied discernment. In Hebrew gematria, Binah and Elul have the same numerical value (67). Changing our minds changes our direction and our actions change. That is Teshuva. The tikkun of Chodesh Elul is purposeful action directed by discerning thought.

During Elul, the shofar directs and stimulates our thoughts toward our relationship with the Divine and our relationships with one another. This Chodesh Elul features two eclipses, both serving that purpose. Hearts break open at the Full “Super” Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17, awakening compassion and empathy. The New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, Erev Rosh HaShanah, spurs us to reciprocity. There’s no question that our Creator gives goodness to us immeasurably more than we can ever return, proportionally or otherwise. What we can do is give goodness back by giving to others.

As this Jewish Year of 5784 – Tav Shin Pei Dalet – winds down, we see how the “Gimel” Year of 5783 and the “Dalet” Year of 5784 played out. Gimel Daled means "give generously to the poor" (Gemol means to give generously; dalim are poor people). Because we did not give to each other in 5783, our spiritual poverty was exposed during 5784. May this Chodesh Elul be a tikkun for the entire difficult and painful year of 5784, and may our souls awake to purposeful action directed by discerning thought.

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