Horoscope for Chodesh Nissan 5784

In 5784….During Cheshvan we learned that the ancestral superpower of Gad’s Tribe is strength through service. During Kislev we see the light of Virgo brings discernment.

Virgo’s Tikkun for Tevet’s anger is mercy.

Chodesh Shevat spiritually nourishes your actions.

Rediscover the joy of love during Chodesh Adar Aleph.

Feeling a little fuzzy during this Double Adar season? Even if everything isn’t 100% clear yet, the energy of Adar Bet strengthens your faith in your natural powers of discernment.

Chodesh Nissan’s tikkun of speech hits hard with retrograde Mercury/Kochav in Aries through April 25. You’ve left so much unsaid! The speech you need is that which speaks to the heart of alliances, and of everything you share: values, valuables, resources, and intimacies.

If trust has been irrevocably broken, all promises in the world can’t put your heart back together again by April 15, with retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron at the First Quarter Cancer Moon.  

Have grace and compassion on yourself on April 19, when Retrograde Mercury conjuncts Venus. Self-respect pays off when Mercury Direct conjuncts Chiron again May 6.

CHODESH NISSAN 5784 (April 8 – May 7, 2024)

The tikkun of Chodesh Nissan is speech. The word Pesach is said by the Holy Arizal to be a conjugation of “Peh” and “Sach” – the mouth speaks. This alludes to reciting the Haggadah. Speaking the story of our historical redemption helps to bring redemption in our times – and the use of our speech to destroy one another is what delays our redemption. Unless we’re using the power of speech to create love and unity, we’re wasting our breath.

Retrograde Mercury/Kochav in Aries during the Aries Total Solar Eclipse Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan brings the drama! Walk back an aggressive stance? Are promises made under duress made to be broken, and what are the consequences? Mars/Ma’adim conjuncts Saturn/Shabbtai in Pisces, and the Sun conjuncts retrograde Mercury April 10-11. We can’t simply muscle through the chaos without harming ourselves or others.

There’s a 3-day planetary panoply April 19-20. Mars sextiles Jupiter and Uranus April 19, the Sun enters Taurus, and retrograde Mercury conjuncts Venus. Shabbat HaGadol is the epochal conjunction of Jupiter/Tzedek and Uranus/Oron, which happens every 14 years and hasn’t occurred in Taurus since 1941.  Venus conjuncts Chiron with the Sun square to Pluto on April 21. BIG SURPRISE: either a champagne supernova in the sky or a raw power play born of seething desperation.

Pesach’s Full Moon in Scorpio (because it’s a Pregnant “Leap” Year) reveals that emotionally, we’re all in a massive, worldwide trauma bond. “Dayanu” takes on multiple new layers of meaning.

The power of speech to create magical possibilities or magnificent delusions is possible when Mars conjuncts Neptune/Rahav April 28, before entering Aries April 30. With Venus entering Taurus and squaring Pluto April 29-30, there’s every hope that the power of love might be the strongest power of all. If we say so, may it be so.

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