What Happened To My Old Website?

My OG website “Astrolojew” needed a makeover. After many years of posting on a Blogspot platform and building my “Astrolojew” brand on Facebook, this Jewish astrologer got just a little too high profile for a certain antisemitic troll, who after being rebuffed and blocked made a false report of “hate speech” against my site (that’s right, an antisemitic troll reported ME to Facebook for being antisemitic). It became impossible to post my “Astrolojew” URL or any of my content on FB. I tried many workarounds, but the last straw occurred in March 2022 when I lost administrative access to my “Astrolojew” page on Facebook. That’s enough, I declared! So I built a new website with a new title (“My Jewish Stars”) and a new URL, but it’s the same old “Astrolojew” content. The old site is still alive at www dot astrolojew dot com for reference sake. Going forward, all the action is happening here!
