Because the nodal axis has shifted, Eclipse season this year occurs during Chodesh Iyar and Chodesh Cheshvan, Taurus and Scorpio. Coming to a sky near you on Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Saturday April 30, Shabbos Parshat Acharei: the New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus, with Venus/Noga and Jupiter/Tzedek conjunct in Pisces. This during Malchut Sh’b’Gevurah.

Following two weeks later on Pesach Sheini: The Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, with the Sun square Saturn/Shabbtai and sextile Neptune/Rahav, and Venus conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron, during Gevurah Sh’b’Hod.

On the other side of the Jewish Year: The New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (October 20), and the Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on 14 Cheshvan.

With the Lunar Nodal Axis is in Taurus/Scorpio, our attention turns to issues of possession and belonging. What is "mine" (Taurus) and what is "ours" (Scorpio)? What are MY values and what values do WE share? In a broader sense, what is the most valuable thing we all share? That's our Planet Earth and her environment - the air, water, soil, seas.

Issachar, the Tribal Leader of Iyar / Taurus, is known to have been given the secrets of calculating the times and the seasons and discerning their significance. Menashe, the Tribal Leader of Cheshvan / Scorpio, was blessed with the highest level of humility and deep, prophetic wisdom, so much so that he could accept his younger brother Ephraim's primacy. Together, these two opposite months / signs give us the power to live in sync and harmony with our environment, by reading and wisely responding to the signs of the times.

Dear friends, I bless you (and please bless me back!) with wisdom, discernment, sensitivity, and appropriate humility and appreciation for the gifts of the season. May the upcoming hiding and revealing of the light of our luminaries during Eclipse Season bring a new revelation of truth, a fresh perspective on reality, and a refreshed perception of your place in this world.


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