Chodesh Adar: The Consolation of Holy Laughter

Laughter is the Tikkun of Chodesh Adar, but not all laughter comes from mirth. The Talmud tells the story of Rabbi Akiva, who shocked his companions by laughing as he viewed foxes running through the desolate ruins of the Temple Mount. When asked why he laughed at the sad sight, Akiva replied that this was a prophecy fulfilled, and if so, future prophecies of a restored Jerusalem were bound to be fulfilled as well. “Akiva, you have consoled us!” responded his companions, and indeed, to this very day, Rabbi Akiva’s holy laughter consoles us as well, despite the troubles we see in this world today.  

The joy of certainty, the security of trust, and the knowledge that doubts will someday be put to rest converge during Chodesh Adar, the month of Purim. Adar’s classical planetary ruler Jupiter/Tzedek in brave, bold Aries inspires confidence and courage; Neptune/Rahav, the modern planetary ruler of Pisces, the mazal of Adar, inspires idealistic dreams. 

The Full Moon in Virgo of Purim is a cosmic turning point! On March 7, Saturn moves from Aquarius to Pisces, where he’ll be for the next 2 ½ years. Saturn in Pisces makes dreams come true because it literally kills dreams which are all fluff and have no viability. Everything woo-woo will be tested and tried; that which endures proves to be rock-solid.

Celestial action gets intense March 14-18, with big squares by Mars/Ma’adim to Neptune/Rahav, Mercury/Kochav, and the Sun. Venus/Noga squares Pluto before entering Taurus, and Mercury enters Aries. Tekufah Nissan, the Spring Equinox, comes March 20, followed by the New Moon in Aries March 21.

Allow the healing and restorative powers of Adar’s holy laughter to prepare us for the new birth of Chodesh Nissan, which arrives on the evening of March 22. Adar, you have consoled us!



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