Elections AGAIN In Israel: What's In The Stars?

If the Modern State of Israel is trying to win a contest to see how many elections a parliamentary republic can have within the lifespan of a toddler, lets just declare them victorious already! Get ready for the 5th round of elections since 2019! This is what politics looks like when they're both "Jewish" and "Democratic". What do the stars say about Israeli politics?

The Modern State of Israel’s Progressed Sun is conjunct her Natal Moon at 4 degrees Leo, in her very public 10th House of “Career and Business”. If Israel was a corporation, her stock would be red hot. This conjunction of Progressed Sun and Natal Moon is about fulfilling ambition and being in alignment with one’s Self, without any inner ambiguity about desire.

Israel’s Progressed Moon is at 16 Aries, conjunct the asteroid Chiron, “The Wounded Healer”, in Israel’s 6th House (health, mind-body connection). This is square to Israel’s Progressed Mercury at 18 Cancer in Israel’s 9th House. Security (Cancer) is almost a religious tenant to the State of Israel, but Israel’s inability to communicate (Mercury) with those who threaten her security only intensifies the anger (Aries) and hurt (Chiron) of the vulnerable populations (Chiron), some who see violence, G*d forbid (Aries again) as the only way to break through the communication barrier (Mercury/Progressed Moon Square).

“Rahu”, The North Lunar Node (the “T’li” of the Sefer Yetzirah), Mars / Ma’adim, and Uranus / Oron are on their way to a cosmic rendezvous. In the final hours of July 2022, they’ll meet at 18 / 19 degrees Taurus, halfway between Israel’s Natal Sun at 23 Taurus and Israel’s Natal North Node at 14 Taurus. This is a cosmic game changer in the most profound way!

For a very important deep dive into this transit, CLICK HERE

“The last time Mars, Uranus and Rahu came within a degree of each other in Taurus was 156 BC. The time before that, 324 BC. In fact, those two years are the last two times Uranus and Rahu conjoined while Mars was anywhere in Taurus. In 156 BC, over the course of a single week, these three planets perfected conjunctions in Taurus 13 and 14, but they were never in the same degree together like they will be in 2022. Even more closely aligned to the 2022 event, in 324 BC Uranus conjoined both Mars and Rahu in Taurus 18, and Mars conjoined Rahu in Taurus 19. Remember, in 2022, all three conjunctions perfect at 19 Taurus. So while not an exact repetition, 324 BC is the year to examine to understand the kinds of mundane significations that our 2022 event might reflect.”

We’re talking about Alexander the Great-style leadership ushering in a new era, called “The Great Reset” by the World Economic Forum.

What can that mean to the Modern State of Israel?

My opinion: The Rahu/North Lunar Node conjunction with Mars and Uranus is opposite Israel’s natal Chiron in Scorpio. Back to Israel’s “Original Wound” - if this was the natal chart of a person, it’s easy to see the paranoia (Scorpio) around land possession (Taurus) and the intense internalized vulnerability (Chiron) to the erratic (Uranus) violence (Mars) which is the hallmark of “haMatzav” (“the Situation”). Something’s gotta give, but when a country (or a person) is in a constant state of PTSD and is repeatedly being triggered, their nervous system never gets a chance to regulate and nobody gets to calm down.

See below Bibi Netanyahu’s natal chart with transits for 6.21.2022

“Wounded Healer” Chiron and Mars are already conjunct Bibi’s natal North Node in Aries, in his 4th House (“Home and Family”). Bibi understands his destiny (North Node) is tied up with his family identity (his father and brother as academic and military heroes). The transiting Sun approaches his natal 7th House Uranus in just a few days (“Our Unique Partnership”).

Undoubtedly Bibi will try for another term as Prime Minister; and the State of Israel has a turbulent decade ahead until 5790 (Taf Shin Tsade, 2030). He may well win (or Likkud may well win) but that won’t last out the decade. The Modern State of Israel’s time to confront her original wound - her birth out of the ashes of the Holocaust and the displacement of an Arab population - is coming. By 2030 / Taf Shin Tsade, we’ll see a very very different political situation than we do today.

But meanwhile - on to ANOTHER round of elections, and let’s see if Bibi is still Melech! :)

  • Lorelai


Chodesh Tammuz 5782


Tekufah Tammuz, The Summer Solstice