Chodesh Tammuz 5782

Chodesh Tammuz Tov!
New Moon in Cancer, Neptune gone Retrograde,
Water, water, everywhere - but not a drop to drink?
Chodesh Tammuz is the Moon, the Mother, the Tribe of Reuven
Home, family, mother, and money are the Cancerian key words
Money for the sake of security, not for status or greed.
Fertility, emotions, feelings -
How many times have you teared up today so far?
FEELINGS. So many feelings. No use running from them, they'll chase you down and sit on your heart until they come out as tears, moans, sighs, or screams.
Blessing you all to feel your feelings without fear
and to love your Moon-self, your loony self, your emotional self
In all her raging glory.


CHODESH TAMMUZ 5782 (29 June – 28 July 2022)


Moon-ruled Chodesh Tammuz is one of the four Cardinal signs which signal the tekufot or turnings of the year. Cardinal signs initiate action, direction, energy. The constellation of Cancer/Sartan the Crab, the Cardinal Water sign, initiates emotion. Reuven, the Tribal Ruler of Tammuz, is the textbook biblical example of emotionally initiating ideas and actions. During Chodesh Tammuz we’re highly attuned to our location on the emotional spectrum; like Reuven’s descendants, who were given the honor of guarding the southern sector of the wilderness encampment, may we learn to control the flood of feelings and direct them to the greater good.

The greater good is challenged July 1 when Mars/Ma’adim in warlike Aries squares power-hungry Pluto in calculating Capricorn. For individuals this indicates hierarchal battles; for nations this might, heaven forefend, reflect armed conflict. Mercury/Kochav trines Saturn/Shabbtai and squares Neptune/Rahav July 2. Communication systems cause confusion. Mercury sextiles Mars and enters Cancer, and Mars enters Taurus July 5. Talk it out or get bogged down indefinitely.

Pragmatic possibilities allowing everyone to claim a win while still compromising for the sake of the greater good appear at the Full “Supermoon” in Capricorn July 13, with Venus/Noga trine Saturn, Mercury square Chiron and sextile Uranus/Oron. Idealism and compassion are on the ascension July 17 with Sun and Mercury trine Neptune, and Venus entering Cancer.

Mercury and the Sun oppose Pluto, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, stations retrograde, and Mercury enters Leo July 18-19. Awareness of one’s personal vulnerabilities signal caution; on the global scale, the Last Quarter Moon in Aries July 20 begs the question: have we learned anything at all from our mistakes? If so, we’ll know by July 23’s trine of Mercury to Jupiter/Tzedek. If there is any wisdom, let her shout and not whisper from the streets, for the greater good.


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