Full “Super” Moon in Capricorn: Fertile Time for Change

7/13: Full "Super" Moon in Capricorn

The transformational change (some call it "death and rebirth") we've all been waiting for is nigh - but none of us want the pain, discomfort, grief, and hard work associated with this change.

With the Sun in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer opposite the Full Moon in the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn, the dominant masculine energies of this cultural zeitgeist may get themselves an unpleasant taste of what it's like for the Divine Feminine these days, and they won't like it.

Everyone wants change, except for those who benefit most from the status quo. When the status quo is upended, everyone scrambles for position in the new normal. When the new normal delays manifestation because the social elements in the cultural crucible are still too volatile, there's a disturbing sense of chaos that brings out the worst or the best in individuals.

We already see the worst, every day on the news. We're bombarded by the worst, hour by hour, until we think that's all there is.

Saturn-ruled Moon in Capricorn wants structure and fears chaos. But newness is birthed not from structure, but out of chaos. Midrash Tehillim 90:13 says that G*d created and destroyed 974 worlds before this one. The "Tohu v'Bohu" of primeval Creation was the loamy tumult of destroyed creations past from which our current Creation was born.

The writer Anais Nin said: "“Chaos is rich. Chaos is fecund.” This "Super" Full Moon brings fertility to birth new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of understanding ourselves. But none of that can happen when we fearfully cling to the old.

The Celestial configuration is advising us to travel light. Pack a suitcase, not a U-Haul, for the next level of your human journey. Pack only what you'll need to bring forward; let go of the baggage weighing you down - past regrets, perceived failures, missed opportunities. The rear view mirror isn't a telescope.

I want to bless everyone to let go of fear. Blessings to fearlessly face the chaos with the expectation that it brings new life for all of us.

(For the technically minded: Here's our time/space location:
Full Super Moon in Capricorn Close by Pluto, Square to Chiron & Eris in Aries
Trined by Uranus and the North Lunar Node in Taurus
Opposite the Sun in Cancer, with Mercury and asteroids Ceres and Lilith
Sextiled by Neptune and asteroid Hera in Pisces
Inconjunct Venus in Gemini, Semi-Sextile Saturn in Aquarius.)




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