Election Day 2022: Shitstorm Ahead!

Preview of 2022 Election Day. Total Lunar Eclipse and a shitstorm a-brewin'. AND it starts in earnest July 31/August 1st with the Triple Conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the Lunar North Node in Taurus at 18 degrees - right on top of the point of the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, Election Day in the USA.

Mercury, Sun, AC, Venus, South Lunar Node in Scorpio in 1st House opposite Parts of Fortune, Uranus, Moon, and North Lunar Node in Taurus in 7th House, activated by the Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus ("US VS. THEM!"), hard-squared by Saturn in Aquarius (the structures and institutions of our society) in the 4th House ("Home & Family"). A house divided cannot stand.

I'll be sharing a lot more about this chart over the coming months, but ask yourself this question: when going on vacation, do you check the weather beforehand? Of course you do.

This is a cosmic weather report. Check it and understand what you may be able to do or perhaps not do to keep yourself and your family safe, and to ensure your vote is counted.

There are only 4 months before the election. Can you register people to vote? Can you be a poll worker? Can you volunteer to drive folks to the polls?

THIS is the election that will determine whether or not future elections are anywhere near legitimate. Not the 2024 election, THIS election. We may not even have an election in 2024 if the 2022 election brings the kind of violence and disruption this chart hints at.

If you care about this issue, now is the time to decide how you're going to help our democracy NOT be overrun by those who want to destroy it.

A chart is not a prediction set in stone, it's a snapshot of cosmic weather conditions. If you know it's going to rain, bring an umbrella.


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