Israel: Between Eclipses

There will be a “Ring of Fire” Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, Shabbos Beresheit. The eclipse falls at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct the Ascendant/Rising Sign of the Modern State of Israel.

Eclipses are going to mean different things to different people, according to their individual natal charts. But for the Modern State of Israel's natal chart, the meaning is quite powerful.

A Solar Eclipse is always on an astronomical New Moon, and always because the Moon (a symbol for Israel, as well as symbolic shorthand for King David, archetypal messiah) stands between the Sun and the Earth, eclipsing the Sun's light. the Eclipse falls on the point of Israel's natal chart called the Ascendant or the "Rising Sign", which in any chart represents one's very "self" Keywords: "I Am".

The symbolism here? The light is "eclipsed" before the light returns. After everything goes dark, and the light finally returns, things look different in the post-eclipse light. Israel's very Self is undergoing a profound transformation.

(Pictured: the Modern State of Israel's natal chart with transits for 10.12.23).

Please understand the bigger picture of the Cycle of Sacred Time and our Jewish Calendar. There will be a Lunar Eclipse two weeks after this Solar Eclipse. This partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus, in Israel's 7th House (House of "Partnerships" and relationships with others) occurs on October 28, Shabbos Lech Lecha.

A Lunar Eclipse always occurs on the astronomical Full Moon, when the Earth blocks the Sun's light from illuminating the Moon. The Lunar Eclipse squares the State of Israel's natal Moon in Leo. This may signal some kind of "deal" brokered by others (7th House) which causes tension (square) between Israel's Emotional Self (her proud Leo Moon in her very public 10th House) and her Relational Self (7th House).

Eclipse season continues into 2023, when there's a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Aries on March 24, 2024, conjunct the Asteroid Eris in Israel's natal chart (picture four million extremely angry women as a political force), followed by the a Total Solar Eclipse on Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, April 8, 2024, at 19 degrees Aries, conjunct the DC / Descendant (7th House Cusp) of Israel's natal chart, the House of Partnerships.

The Nodal Axis, the "T'li" of the Sefer Yetzira, now in Aries/Libra, is, along with the aspects of Transiting Mars, Pluto, and Uranus to Israel's chart, reflect a national churning of the collective consciousness, which is not without pain.

With this in mind …. What kind of "Shalom" can we have this Shabbat?

Jeremiah 6:14 - "They treated my people's wound superficially, telling them, 'Peace, peace,' but there is no peace."

וירפאו את שבר עמי על נקלה לאמר שלום שלום ואין שלום

Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is not the absence of conflict. "Shalom" Peace is "Shalem" - wholeness. Completeness.

How can we be whole and complete when we are missing so many loved ones? When our hearts are torn asunder?

Understand "Shabbat Shalom" tonight when you light candles as our Jewish souls all over the world becoming whole and complete by uniting together in this fire-ritual which demarcates between the everyday and the sacred, carving out a "Palace in Time" (Heschel).

Light the candles, say the blessings, step inside the Palace, be safe, be comforted, be at rest, and may true "Shalom" be ours to share and inspire and bless this world.


Art by Avagail Sapir, Bereshit - First Day of Creation


Cheshvan: Prisoners of Hope
