The Sun entered Sagittarius (Keshet) November 22, and November 23 is the New Moon in Sagittarius. Jupiter / Tzedek, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius stations Direct at the end of Pisces (traditionally ruled by Jupiter, modern ruler Neptune) after a long retrograde which began in late July..

Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the month of spiritually renewing sleep & prophetic dreams, begins after sundown on Wednesday, November 23. .

Think back to April of this year (the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, the first one in 166 years), and try to remember the dreams and visions you had for yourself at that time, which may have been swept under the carpet by all sorts of external contingencies which seem to have demanded your attention. NOW (between today and December 20, when Jupiter re-enters Aries) is the time to revisit and reclaim those dreams, review those visions, and rededicate yourself to that ideal you're aiming for.

Sagittarius' arrows are still sharp and there are arrows a-plenty in your quiver. Wishing all of us renewed vitality, vigor, hope, optimism even in the face of overweening negativity, and faith in ourselves and our dreams.

Gratitude is the attitude when first day Rosh Chodesh Kislev falls on Thanksgiving Day this year. Kislev’s Tikkun is sleep, and the spiritual quality of this Jupiter/Tzedek-ruled month brings prophetic dreams. We read the “dream Parshiyot” of Jacob, Joseph, and Pharoah during Kislev, a reminder that the interface between dreams and waking is the thinnest this month.

As mentioned above, Jupiter/Tzedek, the planetary ruler of Kislev, stations direct November 23. Neptune/Rahav stations direct December 3. These two major energetic turnarounds, both in the sign of Pisces, inspire hope for a weary world. Jupiter continues forward, re-entering Aries on December 20, imbuing that hope with vitality and get-up-and-go energy. Jupiter in Aries through mid-May promises an expansion of assertive energy, and the power to take that ball and run with it all the way down the field to the proverbial goalpost.

Mars/Ma’adim in Gemini, still retrograde through mid-January, has been destabilizing communication structures. The status quo gets a reset November 28 at the trine of Mars to Saturn/Shabbtai. Venus/Noga and the Sun both oppose Mars, December 1 and 8 respectively. Extremism is challenged but tries to provoke a shouting match. The Full Moon in Gemini December 7 may be an informational data dump, but discerning meaning from a mountain of facts takes precision, care, and patience.

Tekufah Tevet, the Winter Solstice, comes December 21, the third day of Chanukah. The Sun squares Jupiter on the shortest day of the solar year, and sometimes it feels like justice will never prevail. Remember that Kislev’s Tribal ruler Benyamin united the nation after a painful civil war they themselves began over an outrageous injustice. The spiritual power of Kislev’s sleep inspires and empowers making dreams of truth and righteousness an embodied reality. Gratitude is the attitude unlocking Kislev’s power. Hodu l’HaShem Ki Tov, Ki L’Olam Chasdo!

Chodesh Kislev Tov!


(Pictured: Mazal Kislev / Keshet, from the Synagogue in Niebylec, 1906)




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