Election Day: Total Lunar Eclipse of The Collective American Heart

Tuesday November 8th is Midterm Election Day. It is also a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse.

A gigantic Fixed T-Square between Sun/Mercury/Venus in Scorpio opposite Moon/Uranus in Taurus, both squared by Saturn in Aquarius.

USA Natal Chart with Transits for November 8, 2022

It looks like this: Stubborn, unmovable, rebellious radical conservatism, determined to maintain the status quo no matter what, stuck in repeating patterns without gaining insight or learning from mistakes.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini transiting the USA's natal Mars in Gemini, squared by transiting Neptune in Pisces. So much data and so few facts. So much distortion and disinformation. Such a complete lack of trust in the veracity of communications and so little ability to discern truth from lies. A perfect storm of noisy chaos.

Transiting Pluto conjunct the USA's natal Pluto in the 2nd House of money, finance, our material world & resources, our values and our valuables. Pluto destroys and then re-creates; death and resurrection. The last time Pluto was in this position was when Colonial America died so that the new United States of America might be born from its ashes (1776). Our history books tell us this was about freedom and independence. The USA's natal chart tells us it was about control over their financial destiny, pragmatically couched in language of liberty.

I'm upfront about my biases; I'm a liberal Democrat, and it pains me to say that GOP victory is all over this chart. The ONLY thing giving me hope for an upset is the Eclipse points are on top of two important Asteroids representing female energy: Asteroid Lilith, and Vesta.

Asteroid Lilith is about suppressed rage and vengeful anger against patriarchal oppression of female sexuality. It's where our power and purpose has been stolen and what we're capable of doing to get it back.

Vesta is the goddess of hearth and home, family and children. Vesta's symbol is the eternal flame; she also indicates purity and sacred sexuality (think "Vestal Virgins").

With the Sun/Mercury/Venus conjunct Asteroid Lilith in Scorpio, opposite Moon (female energy)/Uranus/Vesta, it could be that Uranus (aka "Mr. Shocking Surprise") will switch sides. In the privacy of the voting booth, it will be women who decide the outcome of this election. Women's anger and women's desire to protect themselves will be paramount.

Will that be enough? Will that overcome the forces of radical conservatism and the sluggishness of structured liberalism?

This is where prayer comes in handy. Because we don't know anything, really.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I, the LORD, search the heart; I examine the mind to reward a man according to his way, by what his deeds deserve. Like a partridge hatching eggs it did not lay is the man who makes a fortune unjustly. In the middle of his days his riches will desert him, and in the end he will be the fool.” (Jeremiah 17:9-11)

Get ready for a Total Eclipse of the Collective American Heart.

Pictured: USA's natal chart with Transits for November 8, 2022




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