Kislev 5785: Bring On The Light!

Kislev 5785 December 1st - December 30, 2024

Chodesh Kislev 5785 gifts us a two-day Rosh Chodesh; on Sunday December 1 and Monday, December 2.

Astronomically speaking, the New Moon is always a conjunction of the Sun and Moon; the Sagittarius New Moon conjuncts retrograde Mercury/Kochav, squares Saturn/Shabbtai in Pisces, and opposes Jupiter/Tzedek, retrograde in Gemini.

The bow of the Sagittarius archer is aimed at truth, but has truth become a moving target? With Jupiter and Mercury in “mutual reception” (transiting through each other’s constellations) in the “communication” signs of Gemini and Sagittarius respectively, you can expect a lot of BIG (Jupiter) TALK (Mercury). But what about listening? Saturn in Pisces can make a container for compassion.

Mercury/Kochav, retrograde in Sagittarius, makes a Trine to Chiron, retrograde in Aries. “Wounded Healer” Chiron has a lot of pain; his transit to Mercury forces others to hear about it, whether or not they want to. The more suffering is ignored, the more intense its deluge of self-expression. Chiron in Aries is the vulnerability of the child (Aries is the “baby” of the Zodiac), it’s violence (Mars/Ma’adim rules Aries) affecting children. Unless we confront what’s happening, it will return to accuse us, if not in this life then surely in the next.

 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” He said, “Go and tell this people: “’Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.”

- Isaiah 6:8-10

Mars/Ma’adim in Leo is making a trine to the North Lunar Node (the “T’li” of the Sefer Yetzirah) in Aries. The heavens are making a pictograph for us. Can we see what’s right in front of our faces, or is the shadow of our bruised and battered ego blocking the view?

At the end of the week, Mars in Leo stations Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde squares Saturn, and Venus enters Aquarius. Mars is headed towards a retrograde phase taking him all the way back to 17 degrees Cancer. By the time he stations Direct in late February, he won’t be back at 6 degrees Leo (the original retrograde point) until May 2, 2025! The area of the Zodiac between 17 Cancer and 6 Leo will be experiencing a lot of ENERGY (Mars); wherever this is on an individual’s natal chart is where all the action (drama!) takes place in the next 5 months!

Neptune stations Direct in Pisces, on his way out of the constellation to whom he has been assigned modern rulership on Shabbos Vayeitzi. Neptune moves into Aries at the end of March, 2025, which will be an entirely different ballgame. The Moon and Saturn can be seen together for the next two nights; Jupiter opposes the Sun and, therefore, is the brightest star in the night sky. With Jupiter opposite the Sun and Venus in Aquarius making a conjunction to Pluto, this might be the perfect cosmic recipe to see your own truth objectively and make powerful adjustments to more smoothly align with your real ideals.  


The First Quarter Moon in Pisces starts off the second week of Chodesh Kislev. Pisces and Sagittarius are both ruled by Jupiter in classical astrology. Though it’s a square (as all Quarter Moons are), it’s a square co-ruled by Jupiter, so any conflict or struggle should resolve in a win/win for everyone. The Sagittarius Sun trines Chiron in Aries December 10, bringing the healing light of truth.

Opposites attract when Venus in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo on December 12, but only if their bottom-line values align. Venus in Aquarius wants to help everybody (because he knows what’s best for them, better than they know themselves!) and Mars in Leo wants to direct everybody (because he knows what’s best for them, better than they know themselves!) . When these two forces oppose each other, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. There are no exceptions!

The peak of the Geminid Meteor Showers can be seen Friday night, December 13. The Moon and Jupiter are seen together in the night sky. The Moon in Gemini on Shabbos Vayishlach conjuncts Jupiter, and squares Saturn in Pisces. This is potentially the most emotionally restless day of the month, especially for those with planets, especially the Sun or Moon, in the Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

The peak of Chodesh Kislev is the Full Moon in Gemini on Sunday December 15. Mercury in Sagittarius stations Direct and begins heading back to 22 degrees Sagittarius, where his retrograde began on November 25. He won’t arrive until January 2nd, but the return trip is full of adventure. The Sagittarius Sun is inconjunct Uranus in Taurus, possibly tripping up (literally: be careful!) hastily made plans. Don’t be afraid to make changes to avoid chaos!

The Moon and Mars, retrograde in Leo, are visible together in the night sky on December 17. Moon/Mars in Leo is big-time Drama. If you’ve got a drama queen (or king) in your life, prepare for possible fireworks. Hopefully, just some nice sparklers and not bottle rockets.

The Sagittarius Sun squares Neptune in Pisces on December 18, and Venus in Aquarius trines retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Empathy and compassion, humanitarianism and generosity are all at their peak. If there’s any day of the month to forgive and forget, to live and let live, this is it.

The Winter Solstice, Tekufah Tevet, arrives on Shabbos Parshat Vayeishev. The Sun enters Capricorn, though it’s only the 20th of Chodesh Kislev. Those born after Tekufah Tevet but before Rosh Chodesh Tevet (which arrives this year on December 31) are Kislev Capricorns. This is because there are not just 12, but 36 Celestial Combinations when the Hebrew and Solar calendars are overlaid. You can look forward to a detailed breakdown of each of these 36 Cosmic Combinations in my upcoming “Astrolojew: The Big Book of Jewish Astrology”, which G*d willing I will finish in 2025.

Shabbos Vayeishev falling out on Tekufah Tevet makes it the shortest day of the year and therefore the shortest Shabbat of the year! “It’s all uphill from here” – we’re now starting the long climb back “up” to Tekufah Tammuz, the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. In 2025, that will occur on June 21, Shabbos Shelach.

Chodesh Kislev heads uphill on Sunday December 22, with the Last Quarter Moon in Libra. Because the Sun has moved into Capricorn, the angular Moons (waning and waxing) are now in the Cardinal Signs.

Venus in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries on December 23. Value-based ideals can be translated into practical action. The well-being of the collective is vigorously prioritized.

On December 24, retrograde Jupiter in Gemini makes a square to Saturn in Pisces. This is an echo of the Jupiter/Saturn square from August 19. The next time Jupiter and Saturn meet will be June 15, 2025 when they square each other in Cancer and Aries, respectively. These are the first series of Jupiter/Saturn squares after the “Great Conjunction” in Aquarius of Jupiter and Saturn in December of 2020. The lessons learned from the Jupiter-Saturn square this year and next will be digested, and we’ll be living with the global consequences of those lessons, until the next important angle in the Jupiter-Saturn cycle arrives in October 2040, when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Libra.

While the non-Jewish world is exhausted from celebrating Christmas, we are lighting the first candle of Chanukah the evening of December 25. Mercury, now Direct, opposes Jupiter (still retrograde) and squares Saturn. It’s time to tap into our ancestral flex of powerful storytelling! Can you find a compassionately structured way to tell your own story?

Shabbos Miketz is Shabbat Chanukkah. We relive Yosef’s release from Pharaoh’s dungeon and his interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams. The Shabbos Schluff you take during the afternoon of Chanukah may yield similarly prophetic dreams!

As the Chanukah lights increase, Chiron stations Direct in Aries on Chanukah’s fifth day. Those who have felt victimized receive new energy to fight back. The vulnerable and the wounded are encouraged by recognition and acknowledgment.

The New Moon at 9 degrees Capricorn comes December 30; when nightfall arrives, it will be Day 1 of Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5785, and we will light the seventh light of Chanukkah on the Solar New Year’s Eve.

It’s a segula for a positive outlook when we realize that this year, the holiday of Chanukkah itself, is the bridge between 2024 and 2025. January 1st is the 1st of Tevet, and at night we light “Zot Chanukkah” – the 8th and most miraculous night.

May Chodesh Kislev 5785 truly bring the light to all corners of our lives!


Chodesh Tevet 5785: A Bridge Over Troubled Water
