Earlier this week, the Monday before the election, I posted this picture on Facebook of the Natal Charts with Transits for 5 November, 2024 (Election Day in the USA) for Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, the USA, and the Modern State of Israel.

I wrote:

I'm not going to go over the details here, but I will summarize with the following caveat: I am very aware of my own bias, which I must compensate for as much as I can while interpreting.

Kamala Harris will win this election.

The world will not end.

Trump will believe he won and act accordingly.

The world will not end.

The driving forces behind the vote will be all about the economy and all about women.

The world will not end.

REGARDLESS of who wins, the astrology of 2025-2026 indicates such radically gigantic, global and universal changes and possible crises both "at home" and abroad, it's a fact that neither candidate is remotely prepared to face these challenges (nobody is, that's to be expected).

What happened? Why was my interpretation of events incorrect?

Let's set the table and see...

While it looked like a Biden/Trump election, I was 100% sure that Trump would win, based on his chart and Biden's chart. There was no question. However, when Kamala Harris became the candidate, suddenly it looked like a horse race because of the celestial conditions of their Natal Charts.

The Celestial Conditions:

Both Trump and Harris were born on a Full Moon. Trump was born during a Lunar Eclipse, Harris was not.

Both Trump and Harris have Air Sun Signs, Fire Moon Signs, and both have Mars in Leo.

Harris’ Mars in Leo is in her 3rd House: She fights with words. Her natal Mars is opposite her natal Saturn, making her stern for the sake of “the people” (Aquarius). Trump’s natal Mars in Leo is conjunct his Ascendant, and opposite his Parts of Fortune. He fights for himself, and his own abundance, and it comes to him largely because of the force of his personality (Mars conjunct AC) and through other people (Parts of Fortune at the DC).

Trump has Leo Ascendant (“Rising”), making the Sun the natal ruler of his chart. Harris has Gemini Ascendant, making Mercury her natal chart ruler.

Harris’ natal Mercury is conjunct her Sun in Libra in her 5th House. She's all about spreading the love through creativity, passion, her personal relationships, charm, charisma, and cooperation. Trump’s natal Sun is conjunct his North Lunar Node in his 10th House. He's the center of attention everywhere he goes and his desire is to project power, vitality, and connectivity.

Compelling Transits on Election Day:

Mars opposite Pluto and out of sign!

Mars reaches 0 degrees Leo on Election Day, opposite Retrograde Pluto at 29 Capricorn. We see the axiom at work which tells us: “a planet is not established in a sign until it reaches 1 degree”. This is illustrated in the terrible tension between Cancer/Capricorn and the issues of security – inward and outward – in the USA’s natal chart, conjunct the USA’s natal Pluto and echoing the 2nd House Pluto Return.

Mars is conjunct both the Parts of Fortune and the Vertex of the USA’s natal chart in her Cancerian 8th House! What America calls “MY” resources (2nd House in practical, pragmatic, possession-oriented Capricorn) vs. what “WE” share in the 8th House in emotional, conservative, possessive Cancer. "My Money" and "Our Values/Our Resources" are the foundational themes of the Election.

Saturn may be the “dark horse” here. Transiting through the USA’s 3rd House, Trump’s 7th House, and Harris’ 10th House, Kamala Harris needs to emerge as someone who can lead through the miasma and the confusion. Transiting Venus in Sagittarius conjuncts Trump’s natal Moon and South Node in his 4th House: He’ll have “grace and favor” at “home”, meaning his base will show up for him. He doesn't have anything to prove; she has everything to prove in this nearly perverse inversion of Saturn's theme of responsibility and Pisces' theme of sacrificial faith vs. promiscuous Venus in randy and ever-roaming Sagittarius.

That same transiting Moon and Venus in Sagittarius in the USA’s 1st House indicates hopefulness and positivity. In Harris’ chart, they conjunct her DC, her 7th House Cusp, making her attractive in the eyes of others, especially those who see her as a partner in their values and political goals.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct the USA’s natal Mars in Gemini in her 7th House indicates a gigantic (Jupiter) amount of energy (Mars) around this event (no surprises there!). Transiting Jupiter conjunct Harris’ AC/Ascendant gives her tremendous “luck”.

At the same time, transiting Jupiter conjunct Trump’s natal 10th House Sun / North Node give him tremendous public presence!

Transiting Uranus (making a square to the Mars/Pluto conjunction) makes a conjunction to Harris’ natal Jupiter, perhaps giving us a BIG (Jupiter) Surprise (Uranus). That same transiting Uranus makes a conjunction to Trump’s MC / Midheaven, his most “public point”. Perhaps he will surprise us as well – or the outcome of the election will be a big surprise to him.

That same Transiting Uranus is going through the USA’s natal 6th House, emphasizing “work” and “service”. Perhaps the T-Square made by the Mars/Pluto opposition squared by Uranus will deliver a reborn (Pluto) vision of the value of the worker (Mars) in a most unique way. But Pluto is also about wealth, and wealth is (at least in the mythical America) the American "birthright"; anyone may work hard and achieve it. People feel angry that they can't attain the "American Dream" as easily as those who went before them.

Transiting Chiron (the “Wounded Healer”, symbolizing the specific kind of woundedness and vulnerability associated with its placement) is conjunct the Natal Chiron in the USA’s chart, in Aries, in the 4th House. Chiron is having his return, an exact conjunction "at home", in the USA's chart.

Chiron's transit for Trump makes him an avitar for Americans who feel they've got a raw deal and conjours a nearly religious image for his followers, the tough guy messiah who was saved from a gunman to save America. Kamala Harris has this Chiron transit on the cusp of her 11th House: Friends, Communities, one's Claal, Affinity Groups, the Collective. She's come to heal all that and bring "unity to the community".

So, why was I wrong?

Was I?

Yes, she lost the election she ran for 107 days against a man who has been running his own for the last 7 years.

Yes, my bias and my bubble prevented me from seeing clearly, which I knew at the time and said in my original post and in this article. It was also a case of playing a Battle of Wits with myself. I should have gone with my original instinct that he would win, but to try to be "fair" (my Libra Rising and Jupiter in Libra conjunct my AC), I "switched cups".

It's hard to be an astrologer! :) But if the Talmud tells us you should only seek a dream interpretation from someone who cares about you, how much more an astrologer? At least I understand my own bias, even if I can't always outwit it.

- Lorelai


Kislev 5785: Bring On The Light!


Erev Rosh HaShana 5785 Eclipse