Nissan: The Spiritual Power of Courage

CHODESH NISSAN 5783 (March 23 – April 20, 2023)


This month we witness a rare astronomical phenomenon: Two successive New Moons in the same Zodiac sign: Aries/Taleh, the ram. We're getting the fresh, full spectrum of Aries energy delivered via the New Moon at 0 degrees Aries on March 21, and the New Moon at 29 degrees Aries on April 19-20, accompanied by a Solar Eclipse.

The reborn life force, vitality, and the joy of newness all return on March 23, Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, the tip of the iceberg of this deeply transformative transit taking us through the next 20 years. We’re getting a taste of it now. Mars/Ma’adim finally ends his 7-month-long journey through Gemini and enters the emotional waters of Cancer on March 25. Intellectualizing goes out the window and its feelings first, reinforced by the First Quarter Moon in Cancer on March 28. It’s all about security, home, identity, and external threats to those essentials that may feel worse than they actually are.

The April 5 Full Moon in Libra Erev Pesach, with Mercury/Kochav sextile Saturn/Shabbtai, and the Sun conjunct Chiron, is Seder night, during which we retell the story of our redemption. The story this year has an especially intense urgency. With so much external turmoil threatening our collective sanity, recalling our great communal deliverance strengthens and renews us.

Courage and conviction are called for April 11 at the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter/Tzedek in Aries. Be a warrior for peace!

Chodesh Nissan ends with a New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse April 19-20, followed by the Sun squaring Pluto. The power of Nissan enables us to be brave without being a bully, to be confident without being arrogant, to defend the weak without being patronizing, and to stand up for what's right without being a victim. Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek!


Secrets of Chodesh Nissan


Tekufat HaOlam תקופת העולם: The Spring Equinox