Moon-ruled Chodesh Tammuz features the shift of the Lunar Nodal Axis (the T’li of the Sefer Yetzirah, the head and tail of the celestial dragon) from Taurus/Scorpio, where it’s been since February 2022, to Aries/Libra on July 17 at the New Moon in Cancer.

The North and South Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic, the Sun's apparent yearly path around the celestial sphere.

The Sefer Yetzirah says of the Lunar Nodes: “The dragon in the universe is like a king upon his throne.” The South Node or “tail” of the dragon indicates the energetic prequel to one’s life; the “comfort zone” one has already established; the North Node or “head” is whom one must develop into during this gilgul/incarnation as part of the soul tikkun. 

The Lunar Nodes will travel through Aries/Libra until mid-January 2025. In your personal natal chart, the Houses ruled by Aries and Libra will be stimulated during the Lunar Axis transit, as will any planets in those Houses. The energetic nourishment they receive during this time will ignite personal potential in these areas.

Tekufah Tammuz, the Summer Solstice, marks the Sun’s ingress into Cancer. Mercury/Kochav sextiles both Mars/Ma’adim and Chiron June 21, making it a perfect day to share vulnerabilities and seek healing.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3, opposite the Sun in Cancer, promises fidelity and responsibility. Express any unmet needs and you may be surprised at how eager your partner is to meet them.

The “Three Weeks” begins on 17 Tammuz, which falls on July 6. As we begin our annual journey “Bein ha-Mitzarim” and the straits begin to narrow, remember that what you’re feeling is only the flow of the cycle of Sacred Time – and this too shall pass. We’re going through this together.

Read Individual Horoscopes for Chodesh Tammuz HERE


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