Yamim Norim Celestial Update

Sunday October 2 / 7 Tishrei, 5783:

Mercury in Virgo stations Direct today, though he won't be back to his pre-retrograde position (8 degrees Libra) until October 17. You can look forward to reviewing, analyzing, and mounting strategic course-corrections over the next two weeks.

Right now Neptune in Pisces opposes Mercury in Virgo which makes the distortion factor high; as Mercury returns to his original position the distortion effect will recede proportionally.

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn today helps shine a practical perspective on everything, and gives a sensible answer to the question: "How do I know this is real?"

Thursday October 6, Moetzi Yom Kippur, Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn; the mirror-image of the Mercury Retrograde trine to Pluto which occurred on Rosh HaShanah. The entire 10 days of the Yamim Norim / Days of Awe enclosed this Mercury/Pluto energy! Mercury is thought and communications, Pluto is raw power and "transformative" energy (along the lines of how a nuclear blast "transforms" everything); another analogy for Pluto's powerful transformative energy is the phoenix rising from the ashes of his own self-immolation. There is no rebirth without death!

The most optimistic and hopeful interpretation of this transit is the spiritual transformation which occurs when a soul in crisis "dies" to her former self-perception and is reborn with new and improved self-knowledge. Because of the influence of retrograde Neptune in Pisces on Mercury and Pluto during this time, the low end of the interpretive spectrum would be something along the lines of a soul crisis exposing deceit and hypocrisy triggers a power struggle / fight to the death within structures and institutions (and human personalities) clinging to a status quo which resembles a rotting corpse.

Friday October 7, the Sun in Libra opposes Chiron (the "Wounded Healer") in Aries. Those who have suffered injustice and oppression take center stage. With Libra's planetary ruler Venus in her own sign and Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries in Gemini, expect a lot of media amplification around calls for justice.

Saturday October 8 is Shabbat Ha'azinu, and Pluto in Capricorn stations Direct at the very butt-end of Capricorn. He's on his way to March 2023 and his transit through Aquarius for the first time since the last time (1778–1798).

What happens now with Pluto is that he takes ALL the EXTREMELY HARD-WON wisdom/knowledge/learning/experience garnered from his Capricorn transit (which began in 2008), but ESPECIALLY all the poundings he took from Saturn and Jupiter in 2020/2021 (specifically from the area of 22 through 28 degrees Capricorn), and distills it into a little vial labeled "Personal Responsibility". He carries that with him into Aquarius (classically ruled by Saturn, modern ruler Uranus) to mix proportionally with the next cycle, "Collective Responsibility" from March 2023 - January 2044.

Wishing everyone an awe-some week of the remaining Days of Awe!

(Pictured: Phoenix Rising by Karen Tarlton)


Sukkot Under the Stars
