Sukkot Under the Stars

This week in the stars:

The big, beautiful Full Moon in Aries shines close to Jupiter on Erev Sukkot. The Full Moon holidays of Sukkot and Passover are directly across the Jewish Year from each other - Sukkot is Libra/Aries, and Passover is Aries/Libra. Aries is Yehuda and Libra is Ephraim.

Our sage Ibn Ezra tells us that in his astro-magical interpretation of the Torah, the two shoulder straps on the ephod of the High Priest represent how the whole structure of the zodiac hang on these two east (Aries) and west (Libra) cardinal points. Reference BaMidbar ("Numbers") chapter 2 and the positions of the Tribes around the Mishkan.

Sunday night begins the first day of Sukkot and traditionally the Ushpizin of Chesed. Mercury enters Libra on Monday 10/10, and Venus in Libra opposes "Wounded Healer" Chiron in Aries. There is no better time to make amends, use diplomacy, say sweet words of sincere apology, or to kiss and make up.

Monday night begins the second day of Sukkot and the Ushpizin of Gevurah. The Moon moves into Taurus. The Sun in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn (Shabbtai) is the planet of the Jewish people, in Aquarius, the sign of the Jewish people. This Air-Sign trine on the day of Gevurah reminds us that without wisdom, discernment, and G*d-consciousness, shows of strength are only bullies displaying their muscles.

Tuesday night begins the third day of Sukkot and the Ushpizin of Tiferet. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, and Mercury in Libra is opposite Jupiter in Aries! You'll do well to stay inside the Sukkah of Tiferet, where Chesed and Gevurah are in perfect balance, because outside of this protected space there is likely to be all sorts of chaos due to distorted perceptions (deliberate or otherwise), vulnerability around unexpressed hurt feelings, and mounting frustration from those who are suffering at the hands of the careless and oblivious.

Wednesday night begins the fourth day of Sukkot, the Ushpizin of Netzach, with the Moon entering Gemini and visible near the Pleiades (the "Seven Sisters") all night long. Venus in Aries is inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus in Taurus. Be aware of unexpectedly weird disruptions in otherwise harmonious situations. It's just people's uncomfortable, unresolved issues poking through the normal social niceties. A good thing to do is to make space for the weird discomfort without trying to "fix" it. Sometimes folks just need to be real, and messy, and accepted, and loved, despite it all.

Thursday night begins the fifth day of Sukkot and the Ushpizin of Hod. Venus in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius. The essence of this Hod-like aspect is glorious, shining beauty in humble service to humanity, like the High Priest in his array. Kohelet tells us that G*d has made "everything beautiful in its time". The power of discerning the particular beauty for the particular time is strong!

Friday night begins the sixth day of Sukkot and the Ushpizin of Yesod. The Moon will be shining near the bright star Aldebaran all night long. It is the Shabbat of Sukkot, with the Moon entering Cancer on Saturday, visible near Mars on Saturday morning.

"Everybody knows" that when Friday nights are "Yesod" nights during Sukkot, as they are this year, it's the night for special intimacy between lovers. With the Moon in fertile Cancer, it's an excellent night to consciously conceive a life.

Not every pair of lovers has the ability to conceive a human life (nor should they), and that is more than ok, because when that special intimacy occurs with the intentionality of spiritual creativity, SOMETHING will be conceived! Not always a human baby, but always (when the kavanah is focused) a "creation". If that creation is nothing more than bringing more love into this love-deprived world, that's enough!

Saturday, October 15 is Shabbat Sukkot. The Moon and Mars will be visible very close together in the early morning sky. Saturday night begins Hoshana Rabbah, and the final Ushpizin of Malchut is welcomed into the Sukkah.

Sunday, October 16, it is the custom to make 7 hakafot (circles) with our lulavs around the table where the Torah is laid out. The ritual climaxes in everyone beating the ground with our bundled willow branches during the Hoshannot prayers. Any time you see the number 7, you can bet there is an astro-magical element to it! 

The Diaspora and Israel part ways on Monday, October 17. In Israel it is Simchat Torah; in the Diaspora, it is Shemini Atzeret, the 8th Day of the Festival. The Sun in Libra trines Mars in Gemini, and the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer, the Cardinal Water sign. It's an excellent day for family togetherness. 

Simchat Torah begins in the Diaspora Monday night. As the Moon enters proud, passionate Leo and Venus in Libra trines Mars in Gemini, it's time to dance! All hesitation falls away and each of us should be blessed to be able to dance with the Torah, to celebrate with un-self-conscious joy.  To facilitate great communication, which is the basis for connectivity, today is the day Mercury, the planet of communication returns to the degree of his original retrograde on September 10. We are finally able to say what needs to be said in the best possible way - to ourselves, to each other, and to G*d. 


(Pictured: Prayer in the Sukkah by Sandrine Kespi)




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