When You Get That Feeling You Need The Light of Iyar’s Healing


CHODESH IYAR 5782 (1 MAY – 30 MAY, 2022)




Chodesh Iyar extends from Tiferet Sh’b’Chesed through Malchut Sh’b’Gevurah.  Iyar’s acronym “ אל נא רפא נא לה   “ indicates the spiritual power of the month is healing, and Tribal Ruler Issachar was given understanding of the signs of the times via the celestial creation. We are in sync with cycles of the planets in the heavens above, reflecting conditions on the earth below.  It all adds up to this: each one of us have wounds which need salving. Body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit: Iyar’s healing light integrates of all our various parts to achieve true wholeness.

The retrograde of Mercury / Kochav in his own sign of Gemini May 10 winds back to Taurus May 22, continuing through early June, prompting rewrites, renegotiations, reassessments of priorities and values. Spectacular possibilities for dramatic turnarounds on Pesach Sheni, May 15-16, with the Full Moon in Scorpio / Total Lunar Eclipse, during which Venus / Noga conjuncts Wounded Healer Chiron, the Sun squares Saturn / Shabbtai, and sextiles Neptune / Rahav. Lovers look for transcendent connection, not mere satisfaction. Vulnerabilities are uncovered, unhealed wounds need band-aids and kisses. 

Jupiter / Tzedek enters Aries May 10. The planet of expansion is ready to super-size the Mars / Ma’adim – ruled Aries attributes, of courage, initiative, and a fresh start for individuals. Globally speaking, Jupiter in Aries means an enlarged aggression between powerful forces. With Mars entering his home sign of Aries May 17, we’ll want to sweeten the decree against violence with our prayers and good deeds. Mars meets Neptune May 18, energizing imagination. When Mars meets Jupiter April 29, accumulated energy is exponentially supersized. If we’ve done the work of developing integrity – that’s integration of all aspects of our Selves – the win will be gigantic. Blessings to everyone to be the biggest winner.



Venus / Noga, the planet of money, enters Aries May 2. The deep soul-healing you need revolves around your values and valuables. Venus’ conjunction to Chiron Pesach Sheni at the Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, with the Sun square Saturn / Shabbtai recalls Pirkei Avot: “Who is a rich? Those who are happy with their lot”. What enriches your happiness? Jupiter / Tzedek enters Aries May 10, and Mars enters Aries May 24. They meet up together May 29 in a spectacular surge of positive energy. The greater your contentment with your lot, the more serenity.



Venus / Noga sextiles Pluto May 1, before entering Aries May 2. Power games and hierarchal dances in the realm of relationships need a tikkun. Be brave and honest when Venus enters Aries May 2. That means being vulnerable: Venus’ conjunction to Chiron May 15 courageously opens doors of empath; the sextile of Venus to Saturn / Shabbtai May 24 teaches personal responsibility. Venus squares Pluto May 27, presses the case – can there be two leaders in a relationship? Luckily, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus May 28 which takes the edge of urgency down several many notches. Breathe.



Mercury / Kochav in Gemini goes retrograde May 10, sextiling Jupiter / Tzedek May 19 before re-entering Taurus May 22. This journey isn’t merely sentimental, it’s historical. Revisiting the past from a mature perspective, you’re able to see where you were blindsided or betrayed by a lack of trust in your own soul. You’re ready to invest energy into cultivating a firm foundation you can trust when Mercury sextiles Mars / Ma’adim May 23. You’ll be able to articulate with passion and precision May 25 at the trine of Mercury to Pluto. Your charisma and confidence seal the deal!



It’s an intense month with the First Quarter Moon in Leo May 8 making you crazy for love. Heaven forbid that the Full Moon in Scorpio / Total Lunar Eclipse on Pesach Sheni with the Sun square Saturn / Shabbtai and sextile Neptune / Rahav, and Venus / Noga conjunct Chiron should make you literally lovesick, but the yearnings for profound intimate connection built on mutual trust are so powerful they’re capable of derailing almost anything. Beware of rash or compulsive actions: short-term cravings have long-term consequences. The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces May 22 stimulates a higher calling.



Your uniqueness is recognized May 5 at the conjunction of the Sun to Uranus / Oron. First Quarter Moon in Leo May 8 demonstrates that cultivating true modesty, even considering your natural fabulosity, is your spiritual work now. Let others laud you; you don’t have to fight for recognition. Your compelling personal charisma is on full display Pesach Sheni at the Full Moon in Scorpio / Total Lunar Eclipse when the Sun squares Saturn / Shabbtai and sextiles Neptune / Rahav. You inspire others!  Receive power graciously May 19 at the Sun’s trine to Pluto. You’re an irresistible force.



Mercury / Kochav’s retrograde begins May 10 in Gemini, winding back into Taurus by May 22. Solidifying unspoken understandings with those you share resources, responsibilities, and intimacies. It may be time to renegotiate in your favor when Mercury sextiles Jupiter / Tzedek May 19.  Mercury sextiles Mars / Ma’adim May 23 and trines Pluto May 25; you’ll put a lot of energy into creating transformative communication channels, but they’ll all be blocked unless you’re utterly, ruthlessly, compassionately and empathetically honest. You only hurt yourself by evading your own truth. You’ve literally nothing to lose by being your authentic self.



The play between Venus / Noga and Pluto this month is almost too much for even your high level of tolerance for smoldering passion and tension-filled power differentials. Venus sextiles Pluto May 1 and squares him May 27, bracketing a season of emotional intensity made even more incendiary by the entrance of Venus into fiery Aries May 2. For all the fierceness of this tumultuous time, Venus conjuncts Chiron May 15, showering compassion and empathy for all.

Venus sextiles Saturn / Shabbtai May 24, adding form to idealistic ideals, before entering her Earth- home sign of Taurus May 28.



Pesach Sheni is a cosmic confluence of Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries, the Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, with the Sun square Saturn / Shabbtai and sextile Neptune / Rahav. Just like Elijah let the Prophets of Baal run themselves ragged trying to raise a response from a non-entity, you hold your peace and keep your cool at the conjunction of Mars / Ma’adim to Neptune / Rahav May 18. See through the deceit of others. The Sun’s trine to Pluto May 19 makes tremendous work look effortless. Mars enters Aries May 24, renewing your vigor.


First the compassion, then the action. This month is all about recognizing and reaching for tremendous opportunities to heal from your worst habits. Jupiter / Tzedek sextiles Pluto May 3, drawing down cosmic battery power when Jupiter enters Aries May 10. You’ll need tremendous get-up-and-go despite an equally important need for significant rest. Balance the two of these things by being painstakingly honest with yourself May 19 - 23 at the sextile of Mercury / Kochav and the Sun to Jupiter. Mars / Ma’adim conjunct Jupiter May 29 is like a shot of Vitamin Wow. You’re ready to rumble.



Chodesh Iyar’s healing energy is particularly potent for you around the hurt you’ve experienced from rigid religious institutions. The communities you’ve helped to build may no longer resonate with your highest values. You’ll see it clearly at the square of the Sun to Saturn / Shabbtai on Pesach Sheni, followed by the Full Moon in Scorpio / Total Lunar Eclipse. There’s a chance to save the status quo – but that’s not really what you want. It’s ok to let go of what no longer suits you. The sextile of Venus to Saturn May 24 helps you release old ways.




You’re all hot and bothered when Mars / Ma’adim sextiles Uranus / Oron May 4, and not happy about it. You’re itchy to break free and do something to surprise even yourself, and the urge is irresistible May 5 at the Sun / Uranus conjunction. The more you resist rebellion, the more dramatic the inevitable radical reaction will be. The Sun and Moon both square Saturn / Shabbtai at Full Moon in Scorpio / Total Lunar Eclipse May 15. The effects of chafing against constraint are seen in a very public way. Detach from negativity and keep moving forward.




Though you may still be basking in the glow of the tremendous shefa download you received last month, there’s still more goodness to come. Mars / Ma’adim conjuncts Neptune / Rahav May 18. The chance to recharge your energy, renew your imagination and revive your dreams has never been more opportune. The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces May 22 puts the finishing touches on the work of art you’ve been creating from scratch – that’s you! Believe in your own magic. Mars conjuncts classical ruler Jupiter / Tzedek May 29, bestowing that extra measure of blessing for the months ahead.



Jupiter in Aries + Mercury RX = Watch Your Temper, Open Your Mind
