The sense of smell is the spiritual attribute of Chodesh Cheshvan. Smell is purely instinctual, bypassing the conscious mind and going directly to the most primal part of our brain. Smells don’t lie; scent reveals the true nature of any given thing, so much so that it is said that when Geula arrives, Moshiach will evaluate each of us by smell. The ability to instinctually perceive the essence of everything is the gift of Chodesh Cheshvan. Who among us can receive this gift? Those who resist sifting their instinct through the sieve of mental analysis. The nose “knows”, the brain reasons. Don’t overthink your truth.

November 8, Midterm Election Day in the USA, features a Taurus Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse with Venus/Noga opposite the Sun and Mercury/Kochav in Scorpio, squared by Saturn/Shabbtai in Aquarius. This reflects fixed, binary, rigidly inflexible ideologies.  Mars/Ma’adim in Retrograde Gemini conjunct America’s natal Mars in Gemini signals unreliable communications.

A shift occurs when Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter/Tzedek November 15-16; being paralyzed with inaction is no longer an option. Venus and Mercury both enter Sagittarius November 16 – 17; constraints and caution slip away, favoring bold action. The Sun trines Jupiter November 20 and enters Sagittarius November 22, before the New Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter’s direct station in Pisces November 23.

Menashe, who went “undercover” as a translator between Yosef as Egypt’s Prime Minister and the brothers who came to Egypt and didn’t recognize him, is the Tribal Ruler of Chodesh Cheshvan. Translating between those who should understand each other but don’t due to preconceived notions and entrenched, stale belief systems is a Cheshvan flex. Be wise and humble like Menashe, who instinctively smelled the opportunity to play a part in healing the family’s spiritual wound. The nose knows, and so do you.



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