Israeli Elections November 2022: This is a Test of the Emergency Spiritual Broadcast System

Pictured: The Modern State of Israel's Natal Chart, with Transits for the election on November 1st, 2022.

Hugely Important aspects:

- Israel's Saturn Opposition! Transiting Saturn in Aquarius opposite Israel's natal Saturn in Leo! This is a big test of the lessons of Israel's Saturn Return, which took place in 2006/2007 when Bibi became leader of the political opposition. Now he embodies the establishment itself. It's a referendum on Bibi, whether it looks that way or not.

- Transiting North Node conjunct Israel's Natal North Node at 14 degrees Taurus. The Nodal Axis indicates what the "tikkun" is - in the case of the Modern State of Israel, according to sign & placement, her tikkun is to share values, valuables, and resources, including land (Taurus = Fixed Earth sign) with her partners. This Nodal Return only happens once every 19 years or so. The last time was February 2004, when Ariel Sharon announced his plan to disengage from Gaza and dismantle Gush Katif.

- Transiting Retrograde Mars conjunct Israels' natal Uranus at 24 degrees Gemini. Completely unpredictable, schizophrenic behavior and shocking surprises, miscommunications, and aggressive double-speak. We’re already seeing this with Bibi’s statements regarding Ben-Givir, the ultra-nationalist “Far Right” candidate.

- Transiting Mercury in Scorpio square Israel's natal Moon in Leo. Deeply emotional thinking devoid of reason, driven by strong passions and the urge to dominate others. Also (not surprising), projection of aggression towards women.

- Transiting Venus & Sun in Scorpio square Israel's natal Pluto in Leo. Intense power struggles! Secret "sweetheart" deals; exchange of promises of power sharing with insincere intent, diplomacy used to mask raw power grabs. Again, Bibi and Ben-Givir.

B'hatzlacha Raba, Israeli voters. I've already looked into 2023 and there will most likely be another election in the Spring/Summer. But you go right ahead to those polls and make your Democratic and Jewish choices! Then go somewhere with your friends & have a big l'chaim, you're going to need it!


Election Day: Total Lunar Eclipse of The Collective American Heart
