On Our Way To (not necessarily comfortable) Transformative Change

Mars / Ma'adim enters Taurus today, on his way to his big meetup with Uranus / Oron and the Lunar North Node (the "T'li" of the Sefer Yetzirah) on July 31 / August 1. Why is this important? Because this 3-way mashup in the Fixed Earth (Establishing Manifestation) sign of Taurus hasn't happened since 324 BCE, during the reign of Alexander the Great.

Alexander "established manifestation" of Hellenism by shaking up (through military conquest) the status quo of the world systems of his time.

Are we looking for the rise of an individual military superstar? Or is this portent more about the current Zeitgeist?

With Saturn / Shabbtai in Aquarius square to the upcoming Mars/Uranus/NN conjunction in Taurus, this feels to me like an echo of 2021’s three Saturn/Uranus squares, each of which revealed that the Colossus of our culture has huge feet of clay.

We've been standing on shaky ground for some time. When the energetic door opens to the disruption and ultimate destruction of the formerly firm foundation we the people thought would stand forever, there's nothing you can do to close that door.

Nothing lasts forever except your own soul. Cherish and nourish her; she's all you've got at the end of the day.

(pictured: Alexander III riding Bucephalus, from the "Alexander Mosaic", 120-100 BCE)


Election Day 2022: Shitstorm Ahead!


Chodesh Tammuz 5782