Pisces: The Feet Have It

Adar & Pisces correspond to the feet in medical astrology, thanks to the planet Jupiter / Tzedek.

This graphic is an image of the Jewish "Zodiac Man" from a
#Jewish medical manual, 15th Century Italy. Medical Melothesia (the use of astrology in healing) was commonly used in Jewish communities as it was throughout many diverse cultures, from antiquity through the early modern era.

Healing was facilitated by the drawing down of rūhaniyyāt (spiritual power) by the use of segullot / amulets.

Astrology was used to determine the best time to perform this healing ritual, as well as to inform what kind of signifiers to include when making the amulet itself. An amulet to help heal the foot would include various objects, shapes, Hebrew letters, etc. signifying the attributes of the sign of Pisces and the month of Adar, and would be made when the planet Jupiter/Tzedek was in an auspicious position in regards to the natal chart of the patient themselves.

The usage of astrology in medicine was permitted even by Moses Maimonides (the Rambam), whose polemic against astrology caused controversy between the rationalists and the kabbalists. Despite his argument against astrology, the Rambam recognized the efficacy of Segulot in medical healing, which featured images (often of a planet or constellation), magical/incantational phrases, words, letters, mystical symbols, and sometimes minerals or herbs. That the Rambam allowed them, even though their form and functionality depended on astrology, created controversy among his supporters who opposed astrology and couldn’t understand why he permitted Segulot, and the astral-magical commentators who supported astrology’s integration into Jewish exegetical thought.

In Traditional astrology, Jupiter / Tzedek is the planetary ruler of both Sagittarius & Pisces, the beginning (thighs) and the end (feet) of the legs. The influence of Jupiter – Tzedek – “righteousness” – on the beginning & end of the legs indicates that the righteous person (the Tzadik) is the foundation of the world. It was this attribute that the guardian spirit of Esav wanted to injure in Yaacov and his offspring during their wrestling match.

The Zohar associates the wounding of Yaakov’s thigh by the guardian spirit of Esav with the desire on the part of evil to end the financial support of Torah study. According to our Sages, both the right and left thighs were wounded by Esav’s guardian spirit during the wrestling match on the banks of the river Yabok. The right thigh came to symbolize Purim, and the left, Chanukah. It is from here that the source of the custom to increase the giving of charity/tzedakah during these two holidays is to be found.

Fun fact: “Al ha Nissim” is said only during Purim and Chanukah, the two months traditionally associated with Jupiter/Tzedek, the planet associated with Avraham Avinu, our great patriarch, who embodied the Tzadik, and  the attribute of chesed / tzedakah.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7


Zachor: We Are Remembered


Saturn in Pisces: A Big, Slippery Fish